2011年6月11日 星期六

Way To Lock Your Post

This is encrypted: well recently some people asked how to lock my post so sharing is caring here you go~ ~~Step 1: login your blogger account of course 
~~Step 2: go for DESIGN then EDIT HTML 
~~Step 3: look for [/head] then paste in [script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.vincentcheung.ca/jsencryption/jsencryption.js"][/script] BEFORE the [/head] then save template (change the [ ] to < >)
~~Step 4: open another browser go to link http://www.vincentcheung.ca/jsencryption/ 
~~Step 5: put the password you want in the box KEY 
~~Step 6: type articles you want to hide in the box PLAIN TEXT 
~~Step 7: click ENCRYPT 
~~Step 8: copy down the HTML CODE paste in to your new post!

To Lock Your Post (For Blogger)......pass:123

This is encrypted: ***
